Looking For Work?
Nelson Labour Hire Ltd is looking for the best staff in Nelson to place into Clients workplaces through our Nelson Recruitment Agency.
You might be looking for casual work, through our Nelson Work Agency or just the odd day here and there, or you might be looking for long term work, through our Nelson Job Agency...we can help!
If you have skills, we have work for you with our Nelson Temp Agency, you could be a Truck Driver, Forklift Operator, Machine Operator, Civil Worker, Hammer Hand, Brush Hand - we have work for everyone!
We pay you weekly on time every week!
As you continue you Nelson Temp Job through our Nelson Staffing Agency we will continually check on you to ensure you are happy and safe!
We promise to treat you with respect and honestly...
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Nelson Labour Hire providing Nelson Temp Jobs through our Nelson Recruitment Company!